Pit Bull Saves Woman and 2 Year Old From Knife Attack

Pit Bulls are often seen wondering around the streets of larger inner-city neighborhoods. This is due to over breeding and neglect, one late afternoon in Charlotte, Florida.  A 65-pound pit bull was seen wondering the streets, many had called about the dog but he was never picked up.

He was always alluding the dog catchers, but could you blame him? Anyone in their right mind would be intimidated by an unknown large dog. I know I would at least.

One woman will never forget the encounter she shared with the large male pit bull. She will forever remember him as her “Guardian Angel.”

The woman was with her 2-year-old son at the time when she was attacked, and held at knifepoint by a man. Lucky for her the pit bull stepped in and thwarted the robbery taking place. The officers believe that the pit bull was not a stray but a lost dog.

The attempted robbery took place after the woman given the name “Angela” by authorities was leaving a playground with her son. The man allegedly creeped up behind her and placed the knife to her back whispering do not make any sudden movements or noise or you and your child will die.

Frozen stiff she didn’t know what to do or even how to think properly, everything was moving so fast. Suddenly out of nowhere a dog appeared as if it was out of thin air. Angela didn’t have to make any judgment calls because the dog charged the man, then frantically fled away on foot.

The dog was identified as a stray pit bull, Angela stated that the pit bull did not attack the man but charged at him baring teeth, growling and barking. It was clear to her that he was trying to protect her and her young son.  

Angela didn’t know what the man’s intentions were, and she was grateful that she would never have to find out. But she believes to this day the pit bull saved her life and was blessing sent from above.

One of the amazing parts of the story is that the dog had never seen Angela or her son before the attack. It’s strange that a stay would go to such depths to save someone they do not know or owe anything to. You will hear time to time about family dogs protecting their family. But this dog had nothing to gain from saving this woman or her kid.

This goes to show you how loving and caring the pit bull breed really is. And on that day Angela met her guardian angel.

Angela wasted no time trying to get away from the scene. She quickly placed her son in his car set as she got the final buckle in place and was closing the door the pit bull jumped right into the backseat. He waited with her while police and animal control officers came to help.

The pit bull was taken by animal control to the local shelter where his owners could pick him up if he had any. Angela said she would adopt him if no one came for him with in the five days allotted by the shelter for a stray to be claimed by someone else. Angela planned on naming him “Angel” for saving her life.

Animal control figures that the pit bull is just a lost dog, due to the fact that he was in great shape. People often joke about how the owners were so irresponsible for allowing there dog to get away from them, yet it saved someone life. Maybe it was just meant to be this way.

 Help us share this amazing pit bull story to show how loving the breed is! Also stop by Dog Zoned and pick up your pit bull shirts today! They are brought to you by the amazing company sun frog shirts!

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