How to Potty Train a Puppy With Crate

Crate training can be beneficial if you do it the right way. This article will explain how to go about crate training your dog or puppy in a way that they will enjoy and actually learn to love.

Why it is important to crate train a puppy

Crate training a puppy is one of those things that is very helpfully especially in the early stages of your puppies' life.

Potty training your puppy with a crate is not something you should be doing to make your dog spend long hours at a time without having breaks.

The more breaks you can give your puppy the better, the crate should be a tool to house your puppy, the crate will not and should not be the permanent home.

A dog crate is meant to act as your dogs' DEN. A dog den in the wild was meant to sleep and have young in. A dog will be less inclined to use the bathroom inside their den at all costs.

Tools you will need

This is a no brainer; you will need to get your hands on a dog crate, preferably one that grows with your puppy.

When I say grows, with them. I mean one that has a divider so you can adjust the size as the puppy gets bigger.

Just make sure the overall cage is big enough for the final size of the dog your puppy will grow into one day.

How to Crate Train, Your Dog

You will need to make the dog crate as Den like as you possibly can, which means make it comfortable for them.

Add in dog toys and something comfortable for them to lay on. You should never use the crate as a place of punishment.

If you do so, then you are only going to plant negative thoughts in your puppies head about the crate, and they will not want to be in it.

1.       Ease them in

Leave the crate door open so that they can explore it on their own terms, never just toss them inside and lock it.

Make sure you are nearby, so they know nothing weird is going to go down; once they go inside keep the door open.

Hand them some treats through the bars, do everything you can do to reinsure them; everything is going to be okay.

2.       Never rush

Whatever you do not rush them! The dog crate is the one place where they need to feel comfortable.

Final Thoughts

Crate training a puppy takes time; you never want to try and force them inside that will only scare them.

Also never make a big deal about leaving, no long goodbyes or going back in forth when they cry to try and soothe them before you walk out the door.

This will just cause you major issues down the road; I highly suggest that you check out How to Potty Train a Puppy A Comprehensive Guide for Success if you have further questions.


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