Potty Training My Out of Control Puppy

Get a puppy; they said it would be fun they said! They failed to tell me how big of a pain in the rear it is to potty train a puppy!

Hello There! My name is Melissa and today I wanted to tell you my story about a little rotten puppy named Mazie!

Yup! Little Mazie had her mommy Melissa pulling her hair out!

Every time I turned around, I would catch her peeing or pooping inside the house! I tried my best to take her out as much as possible in hopes that she would catch on.

Yeah, that didn’t work out so well for us ha-ha.

The breaking point for me was when the day I had been outside with Mazie for a good 2 hours!

The weather was super nice, not to hot not to cold just one of those perfect days you know?

She ran around after the kids, played with toys and basket in the sun; roaming the yard end to end!

After we came inside, what did she do? She peed all over the carpet; I just looked at her and asked why?

Why did you pee? You were just outside for 2 hours and have been inside less than 10 minutes!

Mazie blankly stared back at me like I was the one being crazy.

Lost hope

I was at an end; I had no idea what else I could be doing or should be doing. In tears, I imagined having to give Mazie up.

That was the very last thing I wanted to do!

The day I brought her home was the day I committed to always take care of her, and I plan on always keeping that commitment. 

Looking for help

I searched the internet far and wide for ways to fix my puppies problem but always fell short.

That was until one day I found a video on YouTube about a man named Doggy Dan and how he helped thousands of people through online training.

He was able to cure all of their dog’s obedience problems! Over the internet!

At this point, I was willing to give anything a try, even though I had never heard of online dog training before.

My Saving Grace

What everyone was saying about Doggy Dan in the comment sections of online forums had been true. The man was a genius when it came to dog training, especially online dog training.

Who would’ve ever thought that would actually be a Thing? Not me.

Doggy Dan is the creator of The Online Dog Trainer and the man that finally helped me potty train my puppy permanently!

One of the many things that I learned while working with the online dog trainer is that people treat puppies and dogs as if they should know what to do within a week.

They often forget that puppies are much like toddlers, that are in their terrible  2’s!

A toddler isn’t going to know how to use the toilet when they need to go; they are just going to go when they have to go!

The same can be said for a puppy, and it is our responsibility to help them figure out where and when we want them to go.

We can accomplish this a few ways I won’t go into super detail about each one of these so you will have to check out The Online Dog Trainer for yourself.

1.     Puppy feeding Schedule

Just like it sounds, this is when you put your puppy on a schedule. This will help you to be able to predict better when they will need to use the bathroom and hopefully, get them outside beforehand.

Puppy feeding schedules are a lifesaver I highly advise you get one.

2.     Control your puppies Environment

Ah, another thing that so many people neglect to do!

I am the first to admit that this alone is one of the huge mistakes I made with Mazie.

Whatever you do never allow your puppy to roam the house freely; you can always use things like a baby gate or dog crate to help you accomplish this.

Good thing I kept my kids’ old baby gate! Ha-ha, my husband, had nothing to say about my hoarding then!

3.     Crate Train ASAP

Another thing I was not doing was using a dog crate, yeah I didn’t have one at all! Mazie just slept in bed with us. That was another huge mistake I learned.

By utilizing a dog crate, you can micro-manage your puppy a lot better, plus you free up valuable bed space for stealing the covers away from your husband.

Don’t be stuck with an 80-pound dog sleeping in your bed when they grow up!

Fun fact – Dogs rarely use the bathroom in the same place they sleep, win-win! Get a dog crate.

This is just THREE things I learned from The Online Dog Trainer I can’t stress enough how much more information is in the program.

When you purchase the program, you get much, more than potty training a puppy. You get the WHOLE shebang.

I’m talking every obedient dog problem you can think of, i.e. jumping, barking, digging, aggression, etc.

Final Thoughts

I would have been a complete wreck without the guidance of Doggy Dan and his online dog trainer. There is no doubt in my mind; I would have pulled out every hair on my head!

Thankfully that did not happen because I had such a fantastic dog trainer to guide me all the way to the finish line.

Mazie has become known as ”Amazing Mazie” in our house ha-ha
She achieved that name because of all the things she learned from the online dog trainer.

I can literally, tell her to go pee, and she will go outside and pee, it just baffles my mind to this very day that she was once an out of control puppy.

But that is all in the past now; I can’t express how much  I appreciate Doggy Dan and his Online Dog trainer.

Mazie and I are signing off now!

If you have any questions about our journey please feel free to leave a comment!


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