
How to Potty Train a Puppy With Crate

Crate training can be beneficial if you do it the right way. This article will explain how to go about crate training your dog or puppy in a way that they will enjoy and actually learn to love. Why it is important to crate train a puppy Crate training a puppy is one of those things that is very helpfully especially in the early stages of your puppies' life. Potty training your puppy with a crate is not something you should be doing to make your dog spend long hours at a time without having breaks. The more breaks you can give your puppy the better, the crate should be a tool to house your puppy, the crate will not and should not be the permanent home. A dog crate is meant to act as your dogs' DEN. A dog den in the wild was meant to sleep and have young in. A dog will be less inclined to use the bathroom inside their den at all costs. Tools you will need This is a no brainer; you will need to get your hands on a dog crate , preferably one tha

How to Potty Train a Puppy A Comprehensive Guide for Success

Teaching a puppy to potty outside is one of the most important things you will ever need to teach them. Especially if you plan on living with them for the long haul! I know I for one wouldn’t want to live in a home full of dog doo-doo! All joking aside potty training a puppy is a serious business, so serious in fact that 100s of thousands of puppies are dropped off at the pound because of their owners fail to potty train them. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a pretty shitty way to treat something you were supposed to love like your very own child. Let us jump straight to it, shall we! How to Potty Train a Puppy Correctly I will be the first to admit I had no clue how to train my puppy when I first got her. Mazie was completely out of control and would constantly pee and poop inside the house. So much in fact that I had to turn to The Online Dog Trainer to learn how to potty train her . Before I used the program, I was actually contem

Pit Bull Grooming

Pitbull Grooming A timely task that is essential for the optimal health and happiness of your dog. Although many owners try, they are unable to achieve the shiny coat that they so badly desire due to lacking the knowledge of how to acquire it. Below we have presented some tips on how to attain a shiny coat, including the importance of diet, daily brushing, quality shampoo, and diagnosis of skin conditions. Pitbull Grooming Tip 1: Start with Good Nutrition Nutrition is the most vital starting point for a good, shiny coat and is perhaps the most overlooked.  The importance only multiplies as the dog ages.  Make sure your Pitbull’s diet is rich in nutrients, protein and essential fatty acids (particularly vitamin E, omega-6 and omega-3). These nutrients allow for nourished skin and therefore a healthy coat.  Most store-bought dog foods are packed with these nutrients conveniently; however, you can also serve cooked eggs to your beloved companion to up their protein i

Pit Bull Finds Loving Home

Mason the pit bulls story started back in the fall of 2009 November to be exact. A man was on a project that he hated. It was one of the most horrible projects that the man had ever taken on. This guy is a project manager for a Masonry company located around the Philadelphia area. The project was long and miserable the day it would end was nowhere in sight. He would have enjoyed never having to reflect back on that project ever! But what happened during the project made it all worth it in the end. Meeting Mason After along frustrating afternoon, the man was driving down the road leaving the jobsite for the day. Woods surrounded him on all sides at the end of the driveway he noticed some shadowy figures. At first he thought it was a group of wolves but then realized wolves don’t occupied Philadelphia, it was a pack of wild, raggy dogs. In the dim light he noticed about 6 or 7 of them, out of disbelief he noticed two more dogs. This time coming from the opposite direction, he though

Potty Training My Out of Control Puppy

Get a puppy; they said it would be fun they said! They failed to tell me how big of a pain in the rear it is to potty train a puppy! Hello There! My name is Melissa and today I wanted to tell you my story about a little rotten puppy named  Mazie ! Yup! Little Mazie had her mommy Melissa pulling her hair out! Every time I turned around, I would catch her peeing or pooping inside the house! I tried my best to take her out as much as possible in hopes that she would catch on. Yeah, that didn’t work out so well for us ha-ha. The breaking point for me was when the day I had been outside with Mazie for a good 2 hours! The weather was super nice, not to hot not to cold just one of those perfect days you know? She ran around after the kids, played with toys and basket in the sun; roaming the yard end to end! After we came inside, what did she do? She peed all over the carpet; I just looked at her and asked why? Why did you pee? You were just outside fo

Shirts Can Change A Dogs Life | SunFrog Shirts Reveiw

Hey guys, todays blog post is going to be something I think a lot of you will benefit from. As you all may or may not know I’m a dog advocate especially a pit bull advocate. I do what I can for the breed when I can. That is part of the whole reason I created this page. I wanted to show the world how loving and caring the pit bull breed really is. But as you can imagine new bloggers seldom get their content viewed heck no one will even probably see this post sadly. Therefore, making it extremely hard for their work to be seen by the world. Dogs are my passion I wish I could quit my day job, buy a farm and start saving dogs. Sadly, I’m not able to do that. But what I am able to do is find ways to pursue my passion even if I don’t have the money and the farm. I turned to shirts, yes you read that right shirts! Shirts are like little walking billboards. The power of one shirt could save dozens of lives if not more. I found a great company to buy my shirts from called SunFrog this

Pit Bull Saves Woman and 2 Year Old From Knife Attack

Pit Bulls are often seen wondering around the streets of larger inner-city neighborhoods. This is due to over breeding and neglect, one late afternoon in Charlotte, Florida.  A 65-pound pit bull was seen wondering the streets, many had called about the dog but he was never picked up. He was always alluding the dog catchers, but could you blame him? Anyone in their right mind would be intimidated by an unknown large dog. I know I would at least. One woman will never forget the encounter she shared with the large male pit bull. She will forever remember him as her “Guardian Angel.” The woman was with her 2-year-old son at the time when she was attacked, and held at knifepoint by a man. Lucky for her the pit bull stepped in and thwarted the robbery taking place. The officers believe that the pit bull was not a stray but a lost dog. The attempted robbery took place after the woman given the name “Angela” by authorities was leaving a playground with her son. The man alle